Echo of Spirit Echo of Spirit by M.D. Johnson | Drexler Consulting

Echo of Spirit

Exciting News: "Echo of Spirit" by M.D. Johnson Now Available on Amazon and Worldwide!
We are thrilled to announce that "Echo of Spirit" by M.D. Johnson is now available for purchase on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide. This captivating children's and young adult horror novel will transport you to the mystical Andes and immerse you in a thrilling adventure.
Stay tuned for more language editions coming soon!

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Echo of spirit

Welcome to the Release of "Echo of Spirit" by M.D. Johnson

We at Drexler Consulting are excited to announce the release of the thrilling new book "Echo of Spirit" by our talented author M.D. Johnson. This captivating work, set to release on May 20, 2024, is a masterpiece of children's and young adult horror literature that will enthrall readers of all ages.

"Echo of Spirit" takes readers deep into the mysterious Andes jungle, long before Europeans set foot in this pristine land. The story is set in a village inhabited by the Quechua people, who live in harmony with the wild nature and preserve the legacy of a powerful empire.

At the heart of the narrative is Izel, a curious and adventurous boy who explores the secrets of his homeland. His journey begins with a daring solo hunt for a majestic vicuña, but soon leads him to an ancient, overgrown city. There, he unwittingly awakens an ancient evil that threatens the fate of his world.

The story of "Echo of Spirit" revolves around themes of power, greed, and the desperate search for balance. Izel's father, Tupac, the keeper of ancient knowledge, must make difficult decisions to save his world – even if it means sacrificing his own son. The narrative is a gripping epic that blurs the lines between good and evil.

M.D. Johnson's "Echo of Spirit" offers a rich, mythical atmosphere and intense human drama that makes it a future classic. It is a story that will inspire young readers to explore the rich diversity of ancient cultures and the universal themes that connect us all.

Available from May 20, 2024

Join us and discover the magic of "Echo of Spirit." Visit our website and secure your copy of this captivating book, available from May 20, 2024. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure and mystery and be enchanted by the fascinating story of young Izel and the Quechua people.

#EchoOfSpirit #MDJohnson #DrexlerConsulting #BookRelease #ChildrensBook #YoungAdultBook #AndesAdventure #QuechuaStories #MysticismAndAdventure #ReadingIsFun

Drexler Consulting Publishing
Release Date: May 20, 2024

Discover the magic of "Echo of Spirit" – now available for pre-order at major bookstores and online retailers. Dive into a world where ancient myths come alive and every page brings a new adventure.

echo of spirit prist

Echo of Spirit by M.D.Johnson

echo of spirit amazon shop link to pormotion video
Echo of Spirt jetzt auch auf Deutsch, ein grusel Roman für Jung und Alt

"Echo of Spirit" jetzt auch auf Deutsch erhältlich!

"Echo of Spirit" jetzt auch auf Deutsch erhältlich!

Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass der fesselnde Kinder- und Jugendgruselroman "Echo of Spirit" von M.D. Johnson nun auch auf Deutsch verfügbar ist! Tauchen Sie ein in die mystischen Anden und begleiten Sie den jungen Helden Izel auf seiner spannenden Reise voller alter Mythen, verborgener Geheimnisse und aufregender Abenteuer.

 Jetzt erhältlich bei:

- Amazon:
- Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble 
- Weitere große Online-Händler weltweit

Erleben Sie die magische Erzählkunst von M.D. Johnson und entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt der Quechua und ihre alten Legenden in Ihrer Muttersprache.

Holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar noch heute und lassen Sie sich von dieser epischen Geschichte verzaubern!

echo of spirit, by m.d.johnson

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